A Trifecta of Good News!
On Wednesday, I was interviewed by a local freelance journalist who is writing an article for KC Parent magazine. The article is about encouraging reluctant readers and it will be in the September issue. Making reading fun for kids is basically the EXACT mission of knowonder! so it was very easy for me to talk her ear off about all the fun stuff we have going on. More on the article when it is released. For now, use the below links to check out the knowonder! mobile app.

We broke the 5k mark on our Rockethub campaign! That's wonderful news - thank you so much to all our contributors. Don't miss the Doyle Family video clip which is currently featuring on our project page. You'll dig it!

Last week, some friends brought me a package of new coffee from Key West, FL! Hmmmmm... I'm now realizing that info may not be "post-worthy" news. But it sure made me happy!

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